Other than the RING, The Brides bouquet is my favorite wedding accessory! It is completely custom to her favorite colors & flowers! There is so many different ways a Florist can design your dream bouquet! I have listed a few that are most popular & my personal favorite!
Featured Floral Designer : Monica's Brides
Garden Style
Is a loose-tied arrangement! This type of bouquet consists of a more full & messy look! Usually, has quite a bit of greenery & other florals!
Photographers: @ulisesreyes, @lesliemargaritaphoto, @pedigophotography
Cascading Style
This style cascades from the bride's hands, creating a natural & trailing effect! That is visually stunning!!!
Photographers: Tim Barosh, @reedgallagherphoto, @picturethisforeverphoto
"The aim of love is to love; no more, no less". – Oscar Wilde
Clean Style
This is definitely a more polished look! Typically, has only no greenery and only a floral! Either a cluster of one specific kind of flower or a cluster with the same colors just different flowers! It's my personal favorite!
Photographers: @kobybrown, @dianamcintyrephoto , @ellenreneephotos
Curious on how much an average bridal bouquet cost?
To get a more accurate price please reach out to local Florist! SO many things determine the cost! Like the size, style, type of flower, color of flower, any greenery, even the Florist! A beautiful bridal bouquet can range anywhere between $165 -$500+! Again, I recommend reaching out to your Florist to discuss your floral vision! All of the bouquets pictured are from my favorite florist, Monica's Brides! Located in Houston, Tx!